Category: jobs
Data Scientist Programmer (expired)
The BIO3 (Biostatistics, Biomedicine, Bioinformatics) group at the GIGA-R Medical Genomics Unit of the University of Liège (Belgium) is always looking for data scientist programmers to support its activities in systems genetics and systems medicine with Big Data. Requirements We are particularly interested in exceptional team players who have aRead More
Two vacancies: PhD level scientist or scientific programmer; post-doctoral researcher (expired)
Two vacancies at BIO3-ULg _15MARCH2018
Scientist programmer position (expired)
The BIO3 (Biostatistics, Biomedicine, Bioinformatics) group at the GIGA-R Medical Genomics Unit of the University of Liège (Belgium) is offering a position for a scientist programmer within the WELBIO project “DESTinCT”. The latter aims to develop an analytic pipeline and software tools in the research area of large-scale omics integratedRead More
Post-doct position in Bioinformatics (expired)
The BIO3 (Biostatistics, Biomedicine, Bioinformatics) group at the GIGA-R Medical Genomics Unit of the University of Liège (Belgium) is offering a post-doctoral position within a newly obtained TÉLÉVIE project entitled “Drivers and Markers in Pancreatic Cancer”. The aim of the project is to identify molecular drivers and markers of initiation,Read More