Mark your calendar!
TranSYS kickoff via a mini-symposium at KU Leuven (Belgium) and a first School later in the year. Check out the website for COVID-19 updates:
Our paper was highlighted by the International Genetic Epidemiology Society
One step closer to molecular disease subtyping for personalized medicine!
Development of individual-specific molecular networks (ITN-PhD Position @ BIO3 KU Leuven))
Describing a system implies describing its behaviour and important control mechanisms that regulate this behaviour. Crucial in this process are interactions, which may occur at different levels or scales, and thus network theory and network visualization are increasingly being used to understand biological mechanisms operating in human systems. However, anRead More
Hunting for patient subtypes through 3D imaging biomarkers in genetic disorders (ITN-PhD Position @ BIO3 KU Leuven)
Within this PhD project, we aim to develop a framework for gene-centric image data integration analytics and to support a patient stratification strategy that identifies major gene effects with potential applications in a variety of medical disorders. This will built on our previous work on rare monogenetic/ complex diseases inRead More
9 new PhD positions in the EU funded ETN TranSYS
Are you interested in “Precision Medicine at the Interface of Translational Science and Systems Medicine”? Then one of these vacant positions in TranSYS, coordinated by BIO3 may be what you are looking for. Have a look at to find out more detailes and/or to apply!
Coordinating a new Marie Curie ITN (ETN)
Our BIO3 lab will coordinate the new Marie Curie Innovative Training Network “TranSYS – Translational Systemics for Personalized Medicine” from 2020-2023. Abstract TranSYS will recruit 15 ESRs to highly skilled jobs in the new era of Systems Health developing tools and approaches to exploit large and complex datasets to advanceRead More
Participating in a new Marie Curie ITN (ETN)
Our BIO3 lab will participate in the new Marie Curie Innovative Training Network “MLFPM – Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine” from 2019-2022. Abstract Healthcare is entering the digital era: More and more patient data, from the molecular level of genome sequences to the level of image phenotypes and healthRead More
Data Scientist Programmer (expired)
The BIO3 (Biostatistics, Biomedicine, Bioinformatics) group at the GIGA-R Medical Genomics Unit of the University of Liège (Belgium) is always looking for data scientist programmers to support its activities in systems genetics and systems medicine with Big Data. Requirements We are particularly interested in exceptional team players who have aRead More
Two vacancies: PhD level scientist or scientific programmer; post-doctoral researcher (expired)
Two vacancies at BIO3-ULg _15MARCH2018
Two master thesis topics in collaboration with UMaastricht
Project 1: Studying epistatic interactions in rare hereditary disease Project 2: Epistatic interactions in biological pathway diagrams