MBMDR-4.4.1 is a software that is able to detect multiple sets of significant gene-gene and/or gene-environment interactions in relation to a trait of interest, while efficiently controlling type I error rates. It is mainly used to analyse data were the trait is expressed either on a binary or continuous scale, but can also handle a censored trait.
Operating system | Architecture | MBMDR-4.4.1 |
Mac | 64-bits | mbmdr-4.4.1-mac-64bits.out |
Mac | 32-bits | mbmdr-4.4.1-mac-32bits.out |
Linux | 64-bits | mbmdr-4.4.1-linux-64bits.out |
Linux | 32-bits | mbmdr-4.4.1-linux-32bits.out |
Here is the manual (a more detailed one will be available soon) and an overview of the evolution of the options:
The software also contain a man-like help. Type “./mbmdr-4.4.1-mac-64bits.out help” in a terminal to display it.Here is a script showing how to run the parallel workflow of MBMDR-4.4.1 on a cluster: parallelScript.sh
We also propose an R tool called MoG-Plot (Manhattan over Grail plot) to visualize main-effect and interaction results at a glance: MoG-Plot.r
If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact the author of the program by email: f.vanlishout@ulg.ac.be