


BIO3 supports Positive Health and Integrative Medicine & Care

AZ Zeno’s PlusZorg and Video Link. Right: Singer-songwriter and performer Jean Bosco Safari as one of the ambassadors of PlusZorg.

VITO Digital Health Keynote on Network Approaches in Precision Medicine

(BIO3’s signature theme since 2020)

Investigative and Interdisciplinary Teaching

at the University of Antwerp, with a former master thesis student to BIO3 (now PhD student in Antwerp) as a critical interrogator


Blitz visit to the UK

combining business meetings with pleasure, when reconnecting to former students, who have found their career path in the corporate or academic world (left: Jestinah Mahachie-John; right: Petra Wark).


BelBI2023 with a delegation from TranSYS

(Left: Kristel Van Steen; Right: TranSYS PI Alex Skupin from the University of Luxembourg)

Research visit to the Baumbach group in Hamburg


Congratulations Dr. Duroux!

Heterogeneity in networks

Fun at one of the Bootcamps of TranSYS

(EMC Rotterdam site)


Our Euregional Microbiome Center is launched … celebration!

ULiege – KU Leuven BIO3 joint forces with Maastricht University to introduce unprecedented microbiome systems analyses

BIO3 provides the regional winner of “my thesis in 180 seconds”!

(credits: T.Dupont, ARD-ULiège)

Is it Xmas or Easter?

New Year? Yes, please!


PM2 methodology: endorsed by the EC

Congratulations, Dr.!

Seeing the trees for the forest …

Conferencing with online Q and A

Online meetings: the new normal

Congratulations Dr.!

The importance of networking …


BIO3 preparing for the Christmas spirit and Holiday Season

ITN Coordiantors’ Meeting @ the EU – Nov 2019

Enlightening Boston – Fall 2019

IGES2019 – Houston, Texas


IDDST-2019 – Kyoto: finding the “drug” for the forest

Tokyo environment: an alternative view to education

Researchers always find a spot to do Research!

Time to Work, to Play, and to Watch a Play

UPENN Philly – Medical Informatics

Harvard’s colorful School Of Engineering And Applied Sciences

Boston 2019 – Longwood Medical Area

Lodging “chique” as Belgian in Belgium: GIGA SAB meeting

Sunny side up on “our” balcony

Intern Hector (MINES ParisTech, France)

Following up on Big Data Business

Not sure about winters in Liege: especially when working late …


Celebrating new BIO3 offices @ GIGA

PDAC @ CSBIO 2018 – Bangkok

Go Epistasis! – Max Planck Munich: staying connected

Becoming an intern?

Black Friday – 3 days too early!

SCELSE – Singapore

A*STAR Genome Institute Singapore

Big Data Business – “Singa Pura”

Harvard Med School Research Stay – Boston with a Boo…

Interactive PM2 management – Frankfurt

TranSYS 2.0

BIO3 at the EU Parliament

Congratulations Dr.!

Pleasure and work combined – Balkan2018


Congratulations Dr.!

D-Day – Paris (Iryna)

INSERM workshop – Bordeaux

Deep learning workshop – Skopje

We stay in touch around the world …

DDTWC2017 – Boston

ESHG2017 – Copenhagen

ICG2017 – Xi’an

SPC ESHG – Vienna

Bridging Disciplines – Porto

IMG_5741FORM Bridging disciplines - Porto

COST OpenMultiMed – Porto

Porto deserts COST Porto 2017


ByteMal – Aachen

Summer School Genomic Medicine – Portoroz

13511956_1358802430801916_2802355210998208687_n Slovenia 2016

CSCDA2016 – Antwerp

Drive in Melanie (secondment MLPM)

Antwerp2016 Melanie - a sportive visitor

SysmedIBD Spring School – Venice

Visitor from Hong Kong: Maggie Wang

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Pancreas research – Santiago

ESHG SPC meeting – Vienna

Santiago2016 Vienna2016

STSM CNIO – Madrid

ESHG annual meeting – Barcelona

Madrid2016 IMG_3189

ICHG2016 – Kyoto




Teaching Genetics and Bioinformatics

Congratulations Dr.!

Teaching genetics and bioinformatics 2015 IMG_2608

D-day – Madrid (Silvia)

BBACGR – Qatar

IMG_2607 IMG_1999

Friendly teasing …

Let’s roll that ball!

Teasing Bowling

ISSG – Seoul

KristelCanSteenISSG2 IMG_2241


Running Event


BBQ at Montefiore

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IGES annual conference – Vienna

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International Food day

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HGM2014 – Geneva

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Preparing CSCDA2014

Appreciating culture

Preparing social event CSCDA2014 Appreciating culture

Healthy birthday

Missing causality – Carl-Johann visiting

Healthy birthday 2014 Causal Carl-Johann

Extended office space

Extended office space


MLPN Summer School – Tubingen


Visiting Jason Moore – Dartmouth

Invited in Dartmouth USA

IWSM – Palermo

Colorful Sicily

Sicily1 Sicily2


Marylyn visiting

Congrats Dr!

Congrats Dr! Visiting Marylyn

CSCDA2012 – Liege

CSCDA2012or10 CSCDA2012

HGM – Sydney

P1030920_WhiteShark7m HGM2012_Sydney


Into 2011

The duck city – Boston

Into 2011 - Bornem Pictures Iphone 017

HGM – Dubai

Dubai 2011

HGM – Dubai

Unmounted …

Dubai2 2011 Dubai3


SYSMOD research unit day – Ranch don Diego


CSCDA2010 – Leuven

CSCDA2010_coffee break CSCDA2010 _ Leuven

PhD Thesis defense Diane Duroux – Heterogeneous Networks