Capita Selecta in Complex Disease Analysis

CSCDA2016 will be replaced by a Training School on "interactions in complex disease analysis", sponsored by the EU COST Action BM1204 and the Belgian Statistical Society, and co-organized by the University of Liège and Antwerp University. The training will be held from April 27-29 (2016) and will take place in the beautiful city of Antwerp, Belgium.

The World of Interactions Around Us

One of the aims of the training is to introduce to course participants different faces of interactions, depending on the study field. Both the theory and application of methods to identify medically relevant interactions will be covered. Topics that will be addressed by confirmed speakers include statistical versus biological interactions, gene-environment interactions, causality, dynamical interaction systems, symbiotic and pathogenic interactions, protein networks and components-based path modeling. We welcome participants from diverse fields, including statistics, genetic epidemiology, bioinformatics, (bio-)medicine, pharmacology. Participants are encouraged to bring case studies to the floor for discussion with the experts.

For updates, please visit:

The direct link to the registration site is:


  • Updated Abstract Book download
  • A list of participants download (A code to open the file is cscda2016) *
  • Day 1 - Stijn Vansteelandt slides
  • Day 1 - Maggie Wang and Kristel Van Steen slides
  • Day 1 - Karsten Borgwardt lab ** Only provide to the participants
  • Day 2 - Heather Cordell slides and exercise
  • Day 2 - Christina Kiel ** Only provide to the participants
  • Day 2 - Patrick Van Dijck slides
  • Day 2 - Floris Schoeters slides
  • Day 2 - Fran¨ois Van Lishout
  • Day 3 - Giorgio Russolillo slides and exercise
* To protect from search engines
** Please send your request to Kridsadakorn dot Chaichoompu at ULG dot AC dot BE